This is where you can make changes to your name, location, and phone number, as well as provide optional diversity and inclusion information.
Personal Details
Within this section, you can make changes to your name as well as your mobile phone information.
To change your mobile phone location, click the flag drop-down on the left of the field, you can select or search for the correct country.
Here you will enter the specific street address, as well as your country and city/suburb of residence.
As you start typing in the city field there will be auto-populated suggestions, you can click the correct choice to complete the field.
Additional Information
Right to work evidence
Here you can add documents that may be required to progress a job application.
Click 'choose files' to select and upload the appropriate documents. These often include a passport, citizenship certificate, or any visa documents with photo ID.
Diversity and Inclusion
*For Australia and New Zealand job applications*
These optional fields help inform and encourage diversity and inclusion in organizations.
Here you can determine who can see your LiveHire Profile.
You'll see two options here:
- Visible to all companies in the LiveHire network.
- Visible only to your connections.
If you'd like to change your privacy status, click your preference and confirm.